Greenland Paddle Building/Part 1: Rough Cutting
The first step to handbuilding a Greenland paddle is to look for a straight-grained 2x4 cedar plank at your local lumberyard. The intricacies of choice are as much art as science, but you want to find a clear, knotless piece with tight grain and no cracks or voids. (For more info on blank choice, you can always contact Brian Nystrom, who has written a fine book on making Greenland paddles. Although his approach differs from Dee Hall's, it's just as effective.) Here's Dee, a trip leader trainer for a local kayaking organization, preparing to make the first rough cuts to her blank. Using the inside edge of a straightedge, she pencils in the paddle's rough shape: wider at one end (top center of photo, by her right hand), narrower at the shoulder (bottom right of photo). There's a couple of details to note in the photo: hearing protection (the red ear muffs), essential come time to spark up the router; the router (top left, and essential to Dee's carving tec...